FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Institute for Church History
Christian Archeology
Prof. Dr. Ute Verstegen studied art history, classical archaeology, media studies as well as prehistory and Late Antique, Early Christian and Byzantine archaeology at the universities of Cologne, Bonn and Barcelona. During her studies she attended practical courses in the preservation of monuments and participated in archaeological excavations.
In 1998, she finished her PhD at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Cologne with the dissertation "St. Gereon in Cologne in Roman and Early Medieval Times" (published in extended form in 2006 under the title "Ausgrabungen und Bauforschungen in St. Gereon zu Koeln").
After freelancing at the Weserrenaissance-Museum in Lemgo, Schloß Brake in the context of the project "Wege der Renaissance" (Ways of the Renaissance) and the travel grant of the German Archaeological Institute, from 2001 to 2004 she was lecturer and research assistant at the Art History Institute of the University of Cologne as project coordinator of the joint project "prometheus - The distributed digital image archive for research & academic teaching" funded by bmb+f. Until 2022, she continued as member of the steering committee of prometheus e.V.
From 2004 to 2013, Verstegen was research assistant at the Chair of Christian Archaeology and Art History at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg. In 2013, she finished her habilitation at the Faculty of Philosophy/Department of Theology at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg with the habilitation thesis "Heiliger Ort - sakraler Raum. Kontinuitaet und Wandel in der Inszenierung der Herrenorte in Jerusalem".
From 2013 to 2016, she was professor for Early Christian Archaeology and Byzantine Art History at Philipps-University Marburg and member of the Marburg Center for the Ancient World (MCAW).
Since winter 2016/7 Verstegen holds the Chair of Christian Archaeology at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg. In 2022, she has become study dean of her faculty.
Verstegen held and holds several positions in scientific societies and committees. From 2016 to 2021 she was chair person of Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christliche Archaeologie (AGCA) and member of the extended directors' board of Deutscher Verband fuer Archaeologie e.V. In 2020, she has been elected member of the executive committee (Zentraldirektion) of the German Archaeological Institute, in 2023 she has become the committee's chairperson.
In the broad field of Archaeology the focus of my research is currently on the following areas.
This list is not to be understood exclusively. I am especially interested in interdisciplinary questions. For cooperation inquiries also outside of these main focuses you can contact me at any time.
Currently I hold the following positions in governance and committees.
For a complete list of my current and former positions and committee memberships, please visit my official FAU website.
Over the course of my career, I have accumulated a large number of publications and editorships. You can get an first overview at these source.